The Fund is Currently Closing
The FBA Education Fund is a health care education and training fund managed by the unions in the Facilities Bargaining Association (FBA). The Fund provides skills upgrading and career mobility opportunities for union members covered by the facilities subsector collective agreement. The application and selection process is overseen by union members and staff.
Over 2,300 applications for training assistance from every occupational group have been supported. This includes 488 pharmacy technicians who have received funding to become regulated pharmacy technicians.
Since 2006, the Facilities Bargaining Committee has successfully allocated $8.75 million to members for their training needs.
Due to the popularity and success of the Fund, the current application process is closed as of November 26, 2013. Exceptions will be made for applications that are postage-dated on, or before, this date. For remaining unprocessed applications on file, the priority sequence of Union, Job Family, Region, Job Status and Seniority will be used to determine allocation of the remaining funds.
For FBA Education Fund information, contact your local shop steward, local executive or union servicing representative; email <> or call the FBA Education Fund at 604-456-7146 or toll-free 1-800-663-5813, extension 7146.