Welcome To IUOE Local 882 We are committed to providing to our members the professional and experienced representation that our members deserve at the workplace. WE'RE IUOE882 Focus Road To Success We are committed to providing to our members the professional and experienced representation that our members deserve at the workplace.

Mission Statement

We are committed to providing to our members the professional and experienced representation that our members deserve at the workplace.

We look to organize the un-organized and look to educate the non-union workers about the benefits of belonging to our Union.

We believe every member should have a voice in determining wages, job security, benefits and working conditions.

We believe that all workers have the right to belong to a Union and to free collective bargaining.

We believe that every member has the right and responsibility to participate in the affairs of the Union.

We are the future – Operating Engineers Local 882.

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Our latest news

FBA November 2018

Facilities bargaining committee returns to table for sixth week of negotiations. November/2018 — The 10-union...

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